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Students are expected to bring Chromebooks to school with a full charge every day. Please keep Chromebooks in their cases and have some identification because all the cases look the same. Add your name and grade to the card and insert it into the clear sleeve. You might also want to add a baggage tag or ribbon to identify your case. DO NOT add stickers or other decorations to the Chromebook or case. All students should consider purchasing the device insurance listed below. It covers damage, loss, and the charging cord, with unlimited claims for the year. MISD technology will file the claim once the damage is assessed and ready for repair. 

Securranty Insurance
First page of the PDF file: Chromebook_Insurance_Flyer_Securranty_2023
Chromebook Insurance Flyer Securranty 2023
Chromebook Repair Prices
First page of the PDF file: MISDDevicePrices872024

Securranty: Lost or Stolen Item
First page of the PDF file: Securranty_Affidavit_for_Lost_or_Stolen_Item
Securranty Affidavit for Lost or Stolen Item